It's not mandatory to hold a Paladin Pandas NFT to farm tokens from the game, non-holders can rent NFTs from holders through the renting market, by swapping circulating $PPD into rent tickets to cover the rental fee.
Rent Tickets can be swapped from circulating $PPD on the official site in the conversion rate of 1:1. The minimum rental fee for each Paladin Pandas NFT is 20 Rent Tickets. The holder can set the rental fee in rent tickets only or rent ticket + locked $PPD. The rent tickets set in the rental fee will be converted to claimable $PPD after the rental fee is received.
On top of the locked $PPD airdrop, 80% of rental fee will go to Panda's holder and a sum of 20% will go to Rewards Pool to be evenly split to reward those who stake $PPD and/or NFT.Other renting rules:
A rented panda for PvE game can be played with up to 15 stages of a planet and sent back to the holder's inventory if killed during a run.
A rented panda for PvP game can be played for unlimited times until it expires after 24 hrs.
All earnings during the game will be retained by the rentee.
An NFT can be rented twice a day in PvE and 3 times a day in PvP. The rented panda will be kept in the rentee's inventory for 24 hrs before expiration.
Rented pandas will get 5x mining boost for the daily 1st run in PvE.
Last updated