If you don't have enough Pandas to play, or you have none, you can rent others' staked Pandas.A Panda can be rented and used in PvE twice a day, and PvP three times a day. Circulating $BAMB tokens will need to swap to rent tickets to rent a panda.
Renting Rules:
$BAMB to rent tickets conversion rate = 1:1.
Lowest renting price is 20 rental tickets. The holder who staked their Pandas are able to set the rental price. 80% of rental fee will go to the Panda's owner and 20% will go to the Staking Pool to provide interest for players who staked $BAMB tokens.
If you win a PvP game with the rented Panda, you can keep playing with it for 66 games. The Panda will be sent back to the holder's inventory after the 66th game is finished.
Last updated